softbank vision fund

I hired and led the design team at Message Lab on brand strategy, concept, naming, and creative executions while collaborating on the editorial content strategy.


Content Marketing Awards 2023: Gold Awards: Best Content-Driven Website, and Visual Storytelling – Best Feature Design; Finalist: Best Content Marketing Launch, Best E-newsletter, Best Digital Publication, Best Content Marketing Program in Technology, Best Feature Article, Best Interview or Profile, Visual Storytelling – Best Infographic Series, Best Use of Interactive Content, Best Overall Design

2023 Content Marketing Awards Gold Award: Visual Storytelling – Best Feature Design; Finalist: Editorial – Best Feature Article; Best Interview or Profile
2023 Webby Awards Official Honoree

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As part of an overarching content strategy, I led the effort to introduce immersive multimedia storytelling and design thinking processes to both the client and Message Lab teams, adopting low-code design methodologies, and incorporating video shoots showcasing the human side behind Softbank Vision Fund success stories.


Led the creation of an original SVF-branded storytelling content hub, Sōzō, from UX through all phases of branding, design, and illustration (winner, Content Marketing Award for Best Content-Driven Website). We also created a highly successful newsletter (Finalist, CMA Awards) designed to be both a self-contained and traffic-driving experience.

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Spearheaded the creative process, UX and design of Sōzō Pulse, an interactive data experience pulling in data from the core audiences of Softbank Vision Fund to provide current insights into current business concerns. CMA 2023 Finalist for Best Overall Design and Best Infographic Series.

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